Union Army Headquarters



  Chief of the Armies  
General James Boling

  UA Cabinet Secretary 
General Walt Dortch

  Chief of Staff 


Eastern Theater
Army of the Potomac
Army of the Shenandoah
Army of the James
Army of Virginia

Western Theater
Army of the Tennessee
Army of the Cumberland
Army of the Ohio
Army of Kentucky


Union Army Command Group
ACWGC Training Academy
Union Army Awards

Union Army General Orders
Union Army Library
UA HQ Staff Battle Records


American Civil War Game Club

Union Army

Past Commanders

General Larry Bouton (January 2000, to December, 2000)
General Michael O'Connor (January 2001, to December, 2003)
General Rod Love (January 2004, to August, 2004)
General Mark Nelms (September 2004, to December, 2005)
General Jeff Laub (January 2006, to December, 2009)
General Dierk Walter (January, 2010 to November, 2010)
General Joe Meyer (November, 2010 to December, 2014)
General Derald Riggs (January, 2015 to November, 2019)
General Michael Dowling (January, 2020 to February, 2021)
General Steve Sober (March, 2021 to May, 2021)
General Jim Boling (June, 2021 to Present)



Image Credits
"Plenty of Fighting Today" The 9th Illinois at Shiloh, oil on canvas by Keith Rocco, 1995,
a National Guard Heritage Painting, courtesy of the National Guard Bureau,
graphical facimile used with permission of the artist and linked to his website.
"Grant and His Generals," oil on canvas by Ole Peter Hansen Balling, 1865, National Potrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institute

(The generals, from left to right, are Devin, Custer, Kilpatrick, Emory, Sheridan, McPherson, Crook, Merritt, Thomas, Warren, Meade, Parke, Sherman,
Logan,Grant,Burnside, Hooker, Hancock, Rawlins, Ord, Blair, Terry, Slocum, Davis, Howard, Schofield,
and Mower. Notably missing is Rosecrans.)

Sound Credits
The Battle Hymn of the Republic, by Julia Ward Howe
Album: The Battle Hymn of the Republic (Feat. James Greenleaf), by William Steffe, 2013
With mixed Civil War sound effects by Military Sound Effects Soundtracks, unknown year

Page designed by Joseph Meyer
Last updated 1 August 2024, by Ken Miller


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